Sunday, May 29, 2011

Treatment For Ovarian Cysts

Ovaries as such are female reproductive glands; they are located in the pelvic region. A pair which is located on each side of the uterus, the size as such is of that of an almond which produces eggs and other related hormones in the body. Ovaries as one of the important glands are known for the control it has over certain functions like body hair, shape and also breasts. The menstrual cycle as such is also counted well with the help of the ovaries. The step ahead is ovaries cysts. They are in a sac like thing filled with fluid.

There are however different kinds of cysts like the functional cysts that are the common ones to occur. There is also the follicular cyst which occurs only in the menstrual stage and more so because it fails to release the egg. But the part about this cyst is that it disappears in the span of days or maximum three months. The one type of cysts by name polycystic ovarian syndrome is been heard of quite a bit these days. The condition as such comes into the scene where there are multiple cysts in not just one but both the ovaries as such. All this for a person who hasn't heard of it might come across to be very scary. But irrespective of not being one of those many women out there, a basic level of information is required as it helps you understand the situation better and more so look in for early symptoms in and around you. Getting to know about this in the initial stage is a lot more helpful when compared otherwise. The fact that there is treatment for ovarian cyst available makes one blessed.

The first thing you need to know about ovarian cyst treatment is the symptoms. A lot is made easier when you know what can cause it. The symptoms as such are common recurring ones, may be hard to square it down to a condition called ovarian cyst. But the sense clarity is build when enough information is in hand. The ovarian cyst symptoms are as follows:
The blood tissues might get affected leading to bleeding.
The bleeding might be excessive and painful at the time of menstruation.
Stretching of the body.
Weight gain.
Hair growth.
Pain in the pelvic region.

If the pain in the pelvic region is accompanied with vomiting and fever then it becomes really important to visit the doctor soon. The doctor then diagnosis this condition, the diagnosis is done with the help of an ultrasound where in a clear picture comes in so that the actual size and the number of cysts can be detected. This is important because the doctor needs to get a fair idea about the whole condition, without which the treatment plan cannot be sketched down.

Coming to treatment, the doctor holds the charge of it. With the least number of cysts and in the smallest possible size, the condition can be brought to normalcy. With birth control pills, the menstrual cycle that was initially disturbed comes back to normal. There are a lot of people who wish to go by natural methods to get rid of it, by taking in certain fruits and vegetables and excess water.

The one thing that is taken as a major step and a last resort is when the cysts are too large and can only be removed through surgery. The cyst ovary as such can be removed through laparoscopy. Sometimes ovary cyst removal remains the only option to go with. Learn more at Ovarian Cyst Treatment Site
I finally discovered a way that naturally helped me shrink my ovarian cyst and eventually I was able to eliminate it without surgery or heavy medication. And now I’m sharing the knowledge I gained with all of you.

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