There are quite a few morning sickness symptoms, none of them very pleasant. The most common is the feeling of nausea, which is often accompanied by vomiting and that can make it hard for you’re to keep food in your tummy. This can sometimes be alleviated by changing your diet as you learn what you can and cannot keep down. There are quite a few other morning sickness symptoms and we will look at a few of them now.
For some women, extreme temperatures and changes from one extreme temperature to another can set off a bout of morning sickness symptoms. Very hot and very cold locations should be avoided. Take lukewarm baths and showers instead of hot showers and baths. Keep your heating and air conditioning at good levels while you are at home and try to avoid places where they may be turned up to extreme levels. This is not always possible, of course, as you can't control the temperature everywhere, such as outdoors! Of course, if you start to realize that extremes in temperature are what trigger your morning sickness symptoms, you can do what you can to stay out of spaces that experience those things.